Simply.Law exists to take the stress out of finding the right lawyer.
Free of charge to the legal consumer, Simply.Law puts you in charge by enabling you to choose the right lawyer for your needs. Whatever your requirements, Simply.Law is on hand to match you with the most appropriate lawyer.
Simply.Law’s member commercial lawyers includes specialists in the area of aviation and aerospace. They are based at firms across the country and can help you advance your interests, protect your rights and meet the many challenges inherent in the sector.
Our members’ expertise includes assisting clients in matters relating to the following:
- Financing
- Regulatory issues
- Commercial agreements
- Corporate finance
- Dispute resolution and litigation
- Partnerships
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Defence procurement
- Maintenance contracts
- Supply agreements
Specialists in aviation and aerospace law
Those working in the aviation and aerospace sectors currently face many challenges. However, by coupling the right drive, determination and commitment to innovation with the best possible legal advice and representation, it is possible not only to survive but to thrive in what is a highly pressured and intensely competitive environment.
Our solicitors work for a broad range of clients in the aviation and aerospace sectors, including the following:
- Investors
- Engineers
- Manufacturers
- Airlines
- Airports
- Debt and equity funders
Furthermore, our member aviation and aerospace lawyers can help you confidently negotiate the full range of regulatory and transactional matters related to the sector, including financing, disputes, commercial agreements, employment law, the Ministry of Defence and more.
Find the right commercial lawyer
Simply.Law connects consumers with the right aviation and aerospace lawyer for their needs so that they have the best possible chance of protecting and advancing their objectives.
Free of charge to the consumer, Simply.Law delivers a unique and highly intuitive, interactive experience to the consumer. Try one of the contact options on this page to find out more.
Simply.Law, giving you more for less.