Author: Simply.Law

Middle-aged people are increasingly choosing to live together rather than get married.  This is especially noticeable within the 50-64 age group of people who have never married, where cohabitating relationships are increasing year on year.  In 2002, just 6.1% of those in the 50-64 age group who had never married were in a cohabiting relationship. However, in 2017, this figure rose sharply to 12.9%. 1Family law solicitors are explaining that the increase is most likely due to fears held by one or both parties that, if they marry, they would lose a substantial amount of their assets and wealth in a future…

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The Home Office has issued new guidance to parents and others travelling with children this summer.Anyone travelling with children under the age of 18 who is either not the child’s parent or appears not to be the parent because they have a different surname to the child will be asked to prove that they either are the child’s parent or have consent from the parents to take the child abroad.The Home Office tweeted recently: “We have a duty to safeguard children and to prevent people trafficking, child sexual exploitation and other crimes. That is why Border Force officers sometimes need…

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Not many parents are aware that if they have children together and then marry each other afterwards, they are required in law to re-register their children’s births. There has been quite a lot of confusion about this on social media and parents’ forums and groups. Our blog aims to help clear up that confusion. The relevant legislation is Section 2 of The Legitimacy Act 1976, which requires parents to legitimise their child after their marriage. This dates back to an age when illegitimate children (those born to unmarried parents) were unable to inherit from their parents. Registering children born before their…

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Digital assets are now a part of our everyday lives, such as social media accounts, income-generating Instagram, blogs or YouTube accounts, online-only money accounts, or cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin.It is estimated that there are around £25 billion of UK assets which are digital. While most of these are of sentimental value, such as photographs and social media accounts, there are digital assets that are, or have the potential to be, of significant value and provide an income stream for many years to come.  Music, books, commercially valuable photographs and videos are more frequently published online rather than in a physical…

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There are many common misconceptions surrounding divorce, here we dispel some of the most common myths.  My spouse has cheated so they will receive less of the marital finances as a result. The fact used in the divorce petition, in this case “adultery”, has no bearing on the fair division of marital finances. Only in extreme cases would the behaviour of one spouse affect the financial settlement. While morally it may seem unfair to the non-adulterous party, the Court is primarily concerned with reaching a fair settlement that meets the needs of the spouses and their children and the behaviour…

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New research shows that 61 % of British adults do not have a Will. This equates to 30 million people.Populus conducted the research in June this year with a sample of 2,078 adults.  The new figures show a small increase from the 2016 research by Prudential which found that 59% of British adults did not have a Will.Some of the reasons given during the recent research about why people have not made a Will include:Nothing worth Inheriting (38%)Hadn’t considered writing a Will (20%)Too busy to write a Will (16%)The research also found that there are regional differences when it comes…

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Law firms are failing to make the most of converting callers into clients, with only 1.5% of those firms surveyed following up on the initial call from the prospective client.The Legal Services Communication Report 2018 by Concert is a mystery shopper survey of 30 law firms, with 90 telephone enquiries in total. The purpose was to secure a quotation for work, focusing on three areas – Will writing, residential conveyancing, and debt recovery.Overall, law firms are failing to optimise opportunities. Just 51% of calls were connected with someone who could assist, meaning almost half of all enquiries were not; and…

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Last year, almost a quarter of drivers admitted to using a handheld device while driving to make or answer a call within the previous 12 months. What’s more, 18% admitted to using a mobile phone to check social media and emails or to send a text while driving. These shocking statistics come from the RAC Report on Motoring 2017.In an effort to stop drivers using their phones in the car, Norfolk Council is testing smart road signs that are capable of detecting phone use by picking up radio signals emitted by mobiles phones during a call. If a signal is…

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Having a Will means it will be simpler for your chosen executors to administer your estate after your death and in line with your specific wishes.If you die without a will, your estate will be distributed in line with the Rules of Intestacy, rather than how you may have wished to have it distributed.A well-drafted Will by a Wills solicitor can reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax (IHT) your estate may incur, for example by taking advantage of the nil-rate band transfer, charitable, agricultural or business property relief. Some professions are exempt from paying IHT, such as firefighters, members of…

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Being asked to act as someone’s Executor may seem a simple request, and many people give it little thought before accepting. However, the role of Executor carries strict legal duties and can result in personal liability if the estate is not administered correctly. Individuals rather than trust companies are often appointed as Executors in the deceased’s Will. Individuals can also be appointed to the role of Administrator in cases where no Will has been made by the deceased. It is essential that people understand the duties of being an executor before accepting the role so that they understand the potential pitfalls. The…

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