Author: Simply.Law

The new divorce legislation which came into force on 6th April 2022, means that couples are now able to obtain a divorce without one party having to apportion blame on the other.   Divorces are now granted purely on the basis that the marriage has broken down irretrievably, without being supported by one of the previous grounds of unreasonable behaviour, adultery, separation etc. It is important to note that as a result of the change in legislation, it is no longer possible to obtain a Divorce on the basis of any of the previous grounds. The Respondent is no longer able to…

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Timeshare claims and relinquishmentOn March 16th, 2015, a ruling set by the Spanish Supreme Court came into effect following the European Directive (implemented in Spain by Real Decreto–Ley 8/2012). This ruling regulates timeshare, long-term holiday products, resale and exchange products and have set a precedent that has brought about big changes to the timeshare industry. On 29th March 2012, the Spanish parliament validated Real Decreto-Ley 8/2012 transposing the timeshare directive, which was then submitted to the European Commission. All member states of the EU then transposed the directive into their national law.The timeshare directive, which replaces an older directive from…

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Timeshare claims and relinquishmentOn March 16th, 2015, a ruling set by the Spanish Supreme Court came into effect following the European Directive (implemented in Spain by Real Decreto–Ley 8/2012). This ruling regulates timeshare, long-term holiday products, resale and exchange products and have set a precedent that has brought about big changes to the timeshare industry. On 29th March 2012, the Spanish parliament validated Real Decreto-Ley 8/2012 transposing the timeshare directive, which was then submitted to the European Commission. All member states of the EU then transposed the directive into their national law.The timeshare directive, which replaces an older directive from…

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Performance marketing may involve using various types of digital marketing and advertising channels, including the following Display ads include banner ads and other types of visual advertisements that display on websites your audience visits. These ads typically include a visual element with copy and link to a landing page where users may convert into leads or customers. Using online advertising platforms such as Google Ads, you can target your ads to users whose interests, demographics, or online activity matches.

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Performance marketing may involve using various types of digital marketing and advertising channels, including the following Display ads include banner ads and other types of visual advertisements that display on websites your audience visits. These ads typically include a visual element with copy and link to a landing page where users may convert into leads or customers. Using online advertising platforms such as Google Ads, you can target your ads to users whose interests, demographics, or online activity matches.

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Performance marketing may involve using various types of digital marketing and advertising channels, including the following Display ads include banner ads and other types of visual advertisements that display on websites your audience visits. These ads typically include a visual element with copy and link to a landing page where users may convert into leads or customers. Using online advertising platforms such as Google Ads, you can target your ads to users whose interests, demographics, or online activity matches.

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The importance of seeking early family law legal advice and, where possible, settling non-contentiously – for example, via alternative dispute resolution such as mediation – has been brought to the fore by the latest estimates from HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) which show that it is likely to take around three years for courts to return to pre-Covid caseload levels.Inevitably, this means that there is a significant backlog, and The Family Justice Board acknowledged as much when it indicated that it both needs to tackle “immediate pressures” and to initiate the process of implementing longer-term reform. Recently released documents…

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For many years now, contentious probate solicitors have been discussing the reasons for the rising number of inheritance disputes.From recession in the early 2000s to Brexit and COVID-19, each economic lurch has heralded pronouncements about an increase in the amount of contentious probate work being seen by probate specialists. However, the history of the world, the universe and everything tells us that the more we know, the more we are empowered and it is hard to ignore the rise of the internet for an increased interest in litigating when things get tough. One fact remains – the prevailing economic winds…

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A recent High Court interim judgment appears to pour cold water on the current view that the correct test for testamentary capacity in the 21st Century should be the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005) and not the 1870 case of Banks v Goodfellow. The caseIn Clitheroe v Bond, 2020 EWHC 1185 Ch, the case involved the Wills (one made in 2010 and another in 2013) of Mrs Joan Clitheroe, who died in 2017 leaving almost the entirety of her estate to her son, John, thereby cutting her daughter Susan Bond out of the inheritance.Susan disputed the Wills arguing that…

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Like many other aspects of everyday life, the family courts have been badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic and divorcing couples may find they must endure a significant wait if their case needs to go to court. However, as a way of hopefully reducing ongoing delays, the government has launched a £1 million voucher scheme for mediation services in England and Wales.While family lawyers and divorce solicitors are largely in favour of alternative dispute options for separating couples in order to reduce the stress and, at present, adversarial nature of divorce cases, it is hoped that this incentive plan does…

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