Author: Simply.Law

Susan Jacobs is from Liverpool. Last year, after her father passed away, she and her sister (who now lives in Canada) inherited his property in Sussex but discovered that selling a probate property is not straightforward. “To be honest, we were totally lost. It was bad enough that our father died, but then we found ourselves suddenly overwhelmed by complex legal processes that were horribly stressful and put a real strain on my relationship with my sister” Susan told us. Aside from the probate process being complex and time-consuming, Susan discovered how many expenses and fees are required to sell a…

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For the past few months, Oratto has been testing the UK’s first ever free 24/7 consumer-facing AI-powered legal advisor, developed by its technology partner, Simply.Law. It provides advice based on the laws of England & Wales by default but, if the user indicates a different location, e.g. Scotland, it can also advise on other legal jurisdictions. Simply.Law, part of the Simply Technology Group, develops AI-driven legal software. It has developed the legal advisor solution using AI tools such as ChatGPT4.0 from OpenAI, exclusively for Oratto to use in the UK market (Simply.Law is also in active discussions to launch similar partnerships in other legal…

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Navigating the complexities of the legal system can be daunting, especially when concerns about costs arise. Fortunately, for those in the UK, legal aid provides a financial solution, ensuring justice isn’t solely reserved for those who can afford it. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of legal aid across the UK’s different legal jurisdictions and help you determine whether you qualify. 1. What is Legal Aid? Legal aid is essentially government funding designed to cover legal costs for those who cannot afford them. Depending on your financial circumstances and the nature of your case, it can cover the…

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What are indemnity provisions?Indemnity provisions, also known as “indemnities” or “indemnity clauses”, are commonly included in contracts to allocate risk between contracting parties. If properly included, the indemnifying party (the “indemnifier”) will be obliged to compensate the indemnified party for losses which may occur as a result of a specified event, sometimes referred to as an indemnified event. A simple indemnity provision might be:“Party X agrees to indemnify and hold Party Y harmless from any and all claims, losses, damage and lawsuits, including reasonable legal fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with any breach by Party X.”If…

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 The recent U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) proposal to ban employers from imposing non-competition clauses (“non-competes”) on their workers has sparked lively debate. Support comes from those who believe the proposed rule would encourage entrepreneurship and innovation1 and ultimately accelerate economic growth. On the other hand, critics of the proposed rule argue that non-competes are necessary to protect confidential information, such as marketing strategies or pricing plans,2 although much of the opposition is focused on whether the FTC has the legal authority to pass the rule.It is difficult to predict whether the proposed rule will actually come to pass but there…

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For small businesses, the prospect of entering into a legal battle with larger, more established companies can seem daunting. However, in England, several smaller entities have emerged victorious, proving that with the right legal guidance and resilience, smaller firms can take on their Goliath counterparts. In this post, we delve into a few recent instances where smaller companies triumphed in litigation, leading to substantial payouts. One compelling case centres around a small tech start-up, DataTern, who took on software giants Microsoft and SAP in 2012. DataTern accused both companies of patent infringement concerning its database technology. Despite the legal prowess…

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Dealing with instances of professional negligence can be incredibly challenging and stressful. However, recent cases in England have shown that claimants can secure large payouts with the right guidance and perseverance. Let’s dive into the realm of professional negligence and shed light on some compelling cases that have led to significant financial recompense. In a landmark ruling in 2019, engineering conglomerate, Balfour Beatty, was held liable for a professional negligence claim by Grove Developments. Grove alleged that Balfour Beatty had negligently caused delays to a residential construction project in London, resulting in severe financial losses. The court awarded Grove £2.25…

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For small businesses, the prospect of entering into a legal battle with larger, more established companies can seem daunting. However, in England, several smaller entities have emerged victorious, proving that with the right legal guidance and resilience, smaller firms can take on their Goliath counterparts. In this post, we delve into a few recent instances where smaller companies triumphed in litigation, leading to substantial payouts. One compelling case centres around a small tech start-up, DataTern, who took on software giants Microsoft and SAP in 2012. DataTern accused both companies of patent infringement concerning its database technology. Despite the legal prowess…

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The repercussions of the Brexit epoch continue to ripple through the legal landscape of the UK, particularly evident in the interpretation of the Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993. Concurrently, the spectre of undisclosed commissions, with echoes from the sub-prime loan crisis, has found renewed relevance in light of recent High Court rulings. This article explores the juncture of these two regulatory domains, their post-Brexit implications, and the pathway for individuals seeking redress for fraudulently obtained monies. The Commercial Agents Regulations 1993 – A Post-Brexit Perspective: The Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 were instituted as a protective measure for…

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